exuse my bad english,but my dutch is even more horrific)
i bought the new classic one MK lll (three) last month and i'm as happy as a child!
some things have changed since the mk ll; new "op-amps" for the mosfet power ampl. , new volume control(more linear) , new safer speakerconnectors with circuit to protect for shortcircuit,
but it still sounds supeb and is ever so beautifull.
the trebble IS more balenced and "sweeter"
indeed,no super hardock spiller,but my preferences go to jazz,classical AND hiphop/soul,and this amp plays them stunningly warm and full.
but for me the looks where as importend,because when i pay the ridicuasly amount of E 2000,- euro for any amp.,the least i expect is that it sounds supurb and is of stunning building quality,so if i buy one i want it to be special,with all respect;no dennon or marantz kinda looing amp(don't wanne be a snob..?!)..
i also want to buy something that will last,i will buy a hifi once in the twenty years,i'm no tweaker who is never satisfied and always broke.)
but the building quality is supurb!
did i mention the beautifull way it displays voices and instrumental voices...!!
i coupled it with a NAD c521 BEE (E 199,-)(santa could drop me a rega appolo,aaarghh,but now i'm getting greedy)
and tannoy fushion 4. only those are ready for replacement(i'm saving for sonus faber concerto...or???. ,...ok,,.i'm a snob) ,and then i will have my first HIFI! system.
speakercables just for Euro 5,- p/m,DON'T believe the cable hype!! and a qued interconnect for 35 euroos,believe me it IS sufficient!...... -1950 euros for speakercables???...as Brando says;"the horror,the horrror" -
take a look at the PATHoS at a dealer,compare it to other valve or hybrid-valve amps of the same price cattegaory(>2500)and you'l see it is a one of a kind,
especialy if you are building a small system;just a cd/scad and two suburb speakers and you are in heaven .....as always LISTEN TO IT FIRST it at your dealer before pending al that evil moneything!