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HITiB Systems


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Dit is echt iets voor kleinbehuisden (Van http://www.audaud.com/audaud/APR02/hAPR02.html) :






Amazing New Lirpa HTiB System!


Dr. Lirpa has done it again. The acronym stands not for Home-Theater-In-A-Box but for Highly Technical Invisible Bull...t. Through NASA-perfected techniques of ultra-miniaturization, Lirpa Labs has been able to compress a typical home theater speaker system consisting of five large two-way enclosures plus a large ported subwoofer into a single wireless titanium cabinet measuring only four inches tall and weighing only six lbs.! Advanced cross-cancellation and directional processing achieve enveloping 5.1- speaker surround effects from a single small point. Plus the sub doubles as a pencil sharper.


We hebben er weer een kreet bij: Een HTiB system. ;)

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