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Welke muziek staat er nu op (part 4) ???

Ome Henk

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Autechre - Seccond peng.

Dit is een mp3, en ik vindt 'm heel mooi maar ik kan 't orgineel niet vinden.

't zou een nummer van de 2e cd van "Tri Ripetea++" zijn.

Ik dacht 'm gevonden te hebben en dan krijg ik precies de zelfde cd als die ik al had :(



Groeten Simon

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Geplaatst door Ome Henk:

Ach, hou 'm nog maar een tijdje, want tot zondag kan ik beneden toch geen muziek luisteren    :rolleyes: en ik heb geen Thorensje in m'n tweede setje    :D


Is de Sphinx PJ18 al weg dan? c80743nt4u6.jpg



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Mijn[voorlopige]bijdrage voor deze dag is....




Hayden---Live at Convocation hall


Een recording van zijn[uit-verkochte]tour in Canada.

Het is muziek die door zijn minimaliteit[man+gitaar]een mooi album opleverd.


De recentie van AMG

Following the evocatively mellow Skyscraper National Park, Hayden decided to tour the North American continent all by his lonesome, bringing his acoustic guitar, wavering voice, and unexpected humor to small clubs and theaters. This double-CD set captures the singer/songwriter in his hometown of Toronto performing 22 songs from his extensive catalog in front of a theater filled with appreciative fans. The recording is a beautiful testament to the stripped-down beauty of the songs, and with material from his three records, new songs, a few obscure cult favorites, and the obligatory Neil Young cover, not to mention some beautiful packaging, this is a real treat for any fan. New tunes like the goofy ode to his cat, "Woody," or the eerie love vs. obsession tale "Holster" will surely get folks excited for whatever follows this disc, but it's the solo renditions of classics like "We Don't Mind," "Between Us to Hold," and "Stem" that really steal the show. Hayden's trademark stage banter, a witty and unexpected contrast to his often depressing songs, is all over the record, and it only serves to add to the already personal sound of the evening, making Live at Convocation Hall a true live record and not just a note-for-note reiteration of his studio work. It's a strong accomplishment, and if you were unlucky enough to have missed this intimate string of shows, it's a document that comes close to bringing the experience into your own home.


Vooral de laatste zinnen komen in de buurt van het topic wat gestart was over het " live" gebeuren evenaren thuis :D



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Tja,ik persoonlijk vindt dit zijn beste album.

Is genoemd de " Golden Boy " destijds,

en ook als zodanig de hemel in geschreven,om er vervolgens met dezelfde rotgang weer uit te sodemieteren :D


Na dit grandioze Live album,the best selling live album ever,is het nooit meer wat geworden met Peter...helaas,

nooit meer die piek kunnen evenaren,zelfs niet in de schaduw van dit album gekomen.

Maar gelukkig viel op dit album al zijn magie van de performer pur-sang samen met het publiek.


En ook ik was wel erg verrast van dat stukkie tuinslang waar ie toen z'n versterker mee aanstuurde :D,en zodanig een dialoog kon opzetten met het publiek,grandioos!!

" I want you to show me the way "

Wie kent het nummer niet?




Als je van gitaristen houd,en waarom ook niet,dan mag deze eigenlijk niet in je collectie ontbreken.



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Een album om weer terug te keren naar de realiteit na een stress dag,wat hier veelvuldig voor komt :D





Livingston Taylor----Ink...Chesky records



Inderdaad,de jongere broer van James Taylor.


Lees maar even


The vastly underrated Livingston Taylor has been honing his craft for some thirty years now, and on this CD he turns himself loose on a collection of well-chosen material. Two of the songs are Liv's own ("Our Turn To Dance" and "I Must Be Doing Something Right," both from the CD _Our Turn To Dance_); the rest are from all over the musical map.



For this recording, Liv has hooked up with a tight little outfit consisting of two (other) acoustic guitars, acoustic bass, percussion, harmonica, and a pair of backing vocalists; the overall style is no-frills jazz-inflected folk of the very finest kind. The tunes themselves are all wonderfully arranged for this musical setting, and some of them work shockingly well: I personally didn't even particularly like "Baker Street" when it was new (and tremendously overplayed), and I was pretty well blown away by this recording of it. (The sax part taken over by a blues harp? Believe it or not, they pull it off.) Likewise, a couple of the others -- for example Ambrosia's "The Biggest Part of Me" -- are not tunes I especially cared before before I got this CD. But Liv breathes new life into them.



Liv's own guitar work is uncredited in the liner notes, but if you're familiar with his style you can hear him playing on some of the tunes anyway. And his mellifluous tenor has only improved over the years; his delivery is earnest, credible, and inflected with his trademark impish humor. The result is one of Liv's finest CDs, a studio effort that sounds live.



If you're new to Liv, this CD is a great place to begin. (I even prefer the version of "I Must Be Doing Something Right" on this CD to the one on _Our Turn To Dance_.) If you like it, you may want to check out _Bicycle_ and _Our Turn To Dance_ next, in either order.



Most of Liv's older releases are now available on CD as well -- including his fine debut album, his terrific follow-up _Liv_, his third release _Over The Rainbow_ (good songs...), and his stellar _Three-Way Mirror_. Enjoy.




" Ink " is " Taylor-made " for warming hearts on a cold day, October 23, 1999

Reviewer: KRISTI R. REDCROSS from Newport News, VA

" Ink " is an excellent place to start for anyone who is not familiar with Livingston Taylor's work. From beginning to end, this album is a definite winner--especially beautiful and poignant is the tune " Fly Away. " Liv always seems to have that ability to fill your heart to full capacity. From original tunes, such as " First Time Love " to startling remakes of Ambrosia's " Biggest Part of Me " and Stevie Wonder's " Isn't She Lovely, " Liv consistantly paints beautiful pictures of lovliness and delivers powerful doses of positivity. " Hallelujah, Liv ! We love you so ! "




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Een album van deze groep...

zonder plaatje,want die kan ik niet vinden.






David Crosby has referred to Venice as "the best vocal group in the country and one of the best bands of any kind I have ever heard." And why wouldn't he say a thing like that, considering that Venice sound as if they eat the Crosby, Stills & Nash catalog for breakfast, lunch and tea :D



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Ah Venice. Ik heb ze een aantal maanden geleden nog zien optreden hier in Assen, op de 1ste verdieping van een warenhuis, om hun CD te promoten. De (houten!) vloer deinsde behoorlijk, toen 't vol was van de mensen.

Even ging 't horrorscenario door me heen, dat de vloer 't zou begeven! acdrosepc.GIF




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Geplaatst door The Koosjer connection:

Een album van deze groep...

zonder plaatje,want die kan ik niet vinden.






David Crosby has referred to Venice as "the best vocal group in the country and one of the best bands of any kind I have ever heard." And why wouldn't he say a thing like that, considering that Venice sound as if they eat the Crosby, Stills & Nash catalog for breakfast, lunch and tea  :D




Hoi Hans,


Bedoel je deze:



Born & Raised





Spin Art


of deze:



2 Meter Sessies




Nu staat bij mij deze de jodelen:



Joe Jackson - Night and Day

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Beste Sodejuu,

Dank voor de moeite maar,


Nee...nee....en nee :D

De eerste heb ik wel,en de laatste is op de bestel-lijst :D

Het bedoelde album heeft alle leden hun " pas-foto " in kleur op de hoes staan,en dan bedoel ik dat in de Warhold stijl zoals de beroemde foto van Monroe.



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Geplaatst door Alco:

".....De (houten!) vloer deinsde behoorlijk, toen 't vol was van de mensen.

Even ging 't horrorscenario door me heen, dat de vloer 't zou begeven!....."    eek.gif


Tja,daar moet je toch niet aan denken.

Soms zien wij die beelden weer terug als er weer wat te melden blijkt over de rechtzaak,en het blijft een onwerkelijk gezicht,zo'n hele vloer in een keer in de diepte te zien verdwijnen met al die dansende mensen erop eek.gif



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Geplaatst door The Koosjer connection:

Beste Sodejuu,

Dank voor de moeite maar,


Nee...nee....en nee   :D

De eerste heb ik wel,en de laatste is op de bestel-lijst   :D

Het bedoelde album heeft alle leden hun " pas-foto " in kleur op de hoes staan,en dan bedoel ik dat in de Warhold stijl zoals de beroemde foto van Monroe.




Aha, deze dus :D





(groter kon ik 'm ook niet vinden :P;) )

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Ik heb deze weer eens opgezet:


The Gathering - How To Measure A Planet?


Speciaal voor Hans een recentie erbij (omdat ie ons daar ook mee doodgooit ;):D:P grapje, Hans :) )


If Mandylion and Nighttime Birds were the warm up, then How To Measure A Planet? is the real deal. The Gathering have always had a talent for progressive sounding metal, but with this release they take the style to a whole new level. Anneke van Giersbergen's vocals are the stuff of dreams and the bands sound has stepped up more than just a few notches. Centered on the concept of travel and movement, all the tracks on this two disc set actually make you feel like you are on a journey with the band. From tracks like the gentle "Rescue Me" to Sabbath-esque rockers like "Liberty Bell," the band is able to create an ethereal atmosphere without sacrificing any of their power. This album takes metal to a beautiful new place.

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