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Vergeten bands


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Je had ook dat bandje nog uit mijn geboorte plaats NOVA met dat synthesizer nummer.

NOOIT meer iets van gehoord.

Ja, die met het nummer Aurora. Dat was het eerste nummer dat ik uit mijn keyboard kreeg. Die gasten kwamen toch uit Sittard of Born of zoiets :confused::huh:

Uhm dat weet ik niet met zekerheid te zeggen ik meende dat ze uit Dordrecht kwamen maar dat maakt niet uit ze zijn wel vergeten.

Nog zo,n vreselijk Nederlands bandje The Shorts dat was een eendagsvlieg hoor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Nog een paar Duitstalige herinneringen:


Bap- Kristallnach (leuk!)

Rheingold - Dreiklang dimensionen

Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal im sperrbezirk, Ich schau dich an  ;) 

Trio - Da da da  :ph34r:

Vergeet Peter Schilling met .... god hoe dat nummer

ook alweer... :unsure: oja, Major Tom. Gut, 1983 alweer. Kwam ik n

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  • 4 weeks later...
ac, dc :D

AC/DC bestaat volgens mij nog steeds hoor.

Angus Young woont al geruime tijd in Nederland trouwens.

Vergeten bands dan denk ik aan de jaren 70 zoals The Sweet fox on the run de zanger is dood maar ze zijn verder gegaan zonder hem het laatste wat ik van hen zag was tijdens goud van oud en dat vond ik goed.

Vergeten bands wat doen die gasten van Van Halen tegenwoordig en wat doet Fish(voormalig Marillion)

Nog zo,n band White Snake je hoort er niets meer van.

fish treed nog steeds op, hij gaat zelfs de misplaced childhood tour weer doekaarten binnenkort in de verkoop ;)


gr arno.

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JOE HILL LOUIS Een vergeten one man Band.





One of the greatest, though most obscure Sun records acts, Joe Hill Louis, the Be-Bop Boy was one of the One Man Band giants! Unlike some of the more refined, ambidexterous One Man band Blues artists, Louis was a raw, wild performer who didn't display particular expertise on the drums, guitar or harmonica, but displayed an amazing talent to make the wild mess of his simultaneous playing hold together just enough to get through the song. He is much more of a father of raucous contemporary acts like Bob Log IIIand King Louie than the more contained Dr. Ross or Jesse Fuller.


Leslie Hill was born in Raines, TN in 1921. As a youth of 14 he left home to hobo around, busking with harmonica and Jew's harp before settling with a well-heeled



Memphis family. A spirited kid, his brawling earned him the"Joe Louis" nickname. From his busking street serenades he developed his One Man Band act, and renamed himself "Joe Hill Louis The Be-Bop Boy And His One Man Band."


By the late '40s, he was a popular attraction in Handy Park and he got his own 15 minute radio show on WDIA, the groundbreaking Memphis radio station where he was billed as The Pepticon Boy. He also cut some sides for Columbia in 1949. In 1950 Louis was signed by Sun records founder Sam Phillips, when his label was still called Phillips. He recorded with him until Sam sold Louis' contract to RPM-Modern, where he remained through '53, recording raw, primitive Blues and boogie records. He had cups of coffee with Checker, Meteor, Big Town and House of Sound. He returned to Sun where he recorded as solo artist and session man, and at his best he recorded blistering, ugly music as wild as the best Sun hits.


Louis was only 35 when he tragically died of tetanus, contracted when a deep gash on his thumb became infected in 1957. Had he lived to a ripe-old age, imagine the Louis-Adkins Battle Of The One Man Bands live Norton LPs we could have enjoyed in the 80s!

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