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hoi mede-hearders, ik stuurde gisteren dit mailtje naar "den James" (ampzilla)


"Hi, my name is Phil......, I live in Belgium, Europe.


Two years ago I purchased a Sumo Nine + and Sumo Athena amplification set. They match perfectly with my home-made speaker set (an imitation of Wilson's Watt/Puppie) and now I am a very happy (but also poor) audiofile.


Last week I bumped into a Sumo Andromedea & Athena II set.


My question: is the Andromeda better (is it also class A?) than the Nine +? I mean, talking 'bout sound, resolution, stage... the power is more than enough as it is delivered by The Nine +... since I've got to know this beauty I swear by class A...


Next question... if I use a active cross-over (Behringer or Thel) on the Sumo Nine +, to provide a lo-cut at appr. 120Hz/24db/oct (subs are driven by Roland SRA 2400 studio amp),can I take the cover and the fan off??? Or does this affect the life expectance of this amp???


Or can I change the fan for a quieter one???

I get different opinions on various fora, but generally speaking there is not much info on the www about your older creations.

I am very sorry to disturb you with this "old cows" but this is my only ticket to audio nirvana, awaiting your answers eagerly, Phil W & Nathalie G, Belgium, Europe




Dear Phil,

When referring to the "Andromeda", please bear in mind that there were 3 of them. My original, the "II" and the "III". The latter two were MOSFET designs of which I do NOT approve of. They have turned out to be very unreliable over the years. My original would be in the exact same chassis as your NINE+ except, in black. If that be the case, then it "might" be OK except for the following. After I sold the company, the new owners really "cheapened up" the design. Crappy parts and an inferior power transformer, etc. I would be very leery of the Andromeda. If you can get a look inside, try to find out if the power transformer is "potted" in a metal can OR is it bare (plastic wrap around the windings). If you can "see" the windings (no can), then it is a later unit which is inferior to my original design.

Finally, you CANNOT under any circumstances remove the cover and operate the NINE+. The fan system works on pressure through the total venturi area and removing the cover would surely make the unit overheat rather quickly. If you have an older original unit, then it probably had a Gould Mini Brute fan which might get noisy over the years. You can replace this fan with a Ball Bearing unit of equivalent air flow which would be much quieter. All in all, sonically, my family of class A amps, The Gold, The NINE, and the NINE+ were my best work.

James Bongiorno



----- Original Message -----

From: nathalie gauvin

To: jamesbongiorno@ampzilla2000.com

Sent: 3/13/06 7:21:18 AM

Subject: Recycling artist uses (old) Sumo amplification


mvg RastaPhil

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After I sold the company, the new owners really "cheapened up" the design. Crappy parts and an inferior power transformer, etc.

Laten we ons vooral druk blijven maken over chinese " namaak "........



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ja, ben ik blij dat ik een originele heb gevonden! Toevallig dus... :)


Ik dach ik zal dit hear even posten moesten er nog mensen op Sumo apparatuur botsen en een aankoop overwegen, heb je wat info van de master himself :unsure::)


mvg RastaPhil

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